The Women of Grace plan monthly events for all the women at Grace. Past events included hiking, movies, luncheons, theatre matinees, trips to the zoo, and boat rides around Lake San Marcos. All women and their friends
are welcome.
Jesus said “wherever two or more are gathered in my name, there I will be also.” We claim that promise. We are grateful to meet together in freedom and peace. We pray for peace for women in other parts of the world who do not have the freedom we enjoy. Help us, Lord, to create an atmosphere of acceptance, assist us as we love and support each other without judgment or criticism. In the Name of Jesus. (Matthew 18:20)
The Women of Grace welcome new members with tea, cucumber sandwiches, buttered crumpets, and homemade scones. You are encouraged to bring a Grace newcomer or invite a friend. RSVP Kelly Carr by March 9.
Point of contact: Susan Newlin. Wear comfortable shoes and follow Susan on a ramble around Grace Church property (you will be surprised!)
Learn the name of the road running along the east of the church. (Men are invited too!)
This special event at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral celebrates St. George, the patron Saint of England. Every Episcopalian is required to attend! (kidding!) Bring your kids, they’ll be wide-eyed as flags of the British Commonwealth are escorted in by bagpipers. Carpooling is available from the Grace parking lot. Point of contact is Ann Judge.
Expand your gastronomic horizons! Janet Marseilles, a certified dietician, plans to surprise us with delights from foreign lands.
Put your game face on and join Georgia and Happy in the Coach House and have fun with various games.
Meet and carpool from Palomar College (lots of parking space) and hop on the Sprinter to Oceanside for lunch while reveling in the sights and sounds around you. Watch a sailboat or two cross the harbor. Point of contact is Janice Schattman.
It’s hot outside! In the cool of the Coach House share a book you love and would like to discuss with friends. Point of contact is Amy Heald.
Join Women (& Men!) of Grace at Palomar College for their Thursday concerts. Exceptional, enjoyable, and free! Point of contact is Penny Hauser.
Rock painting and a harvest festival of food for the food banks throughout the North County. More info to follow as we celebrate this
Month of Thanksgiving for all we have. Point of contact is Linda Frank.
Every December a gift-wrapping party is held in the Coach House. More information and contact person closer to this date.
Photos of the recent retreat at Camp Stevens and other events can be viewed and downloaded from our Flickr page