Godly Play has a Montessori foundation with 40+ years of research and practice. It is a creative, imaginative approach to Christian formation and spiritual guidance for children ages 3 -11.
Godly Play engages our innate spirituality and nourishes the use of religious language to make meaning from Biblical Stories through the Creative Process.
Go here to learn more about Godly Play and how to be a Godly Play Parent.
Godly Play is a creative, imaginative approach to Christian formation & spiritual guidance.
Godly Play has a foundation of 40+ years of research and practice.
Godly Play values process, openness, discovery, community, and relationships.
Godly Play models the worship life, stories, symbols & rituals of Christian congregations.
Godly Play allows children (and adults) to make relevant and personal theological meaning.
Godly Play nurtures children to larger dimensions of belief and faith through wondering
and play.
Godly Play classes are every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. with a break over Christmas and other school holidays.
Parents do not attend Godly Play, but two adults are always present.
For parents of little ones: We also have a nursery in the Coach House with a TV broadcasting the service in case you have a fussy little one and feel you need to step out and don’t want to miss the sermon. But even if your little one is a bit fussy — that’s okay, we love children!
Please complete and email a registration form to the church office for each child participating in the program.