Godly Play is a creative, imaginative approach to Christian formation & spiritual guidance. Godly Play has a foundation of 40+ years of research and practice.
There are two areas to volunteer: storyteller and door person.
The Outreach Committee works with organizations such as Interfaith, Episcopal Community Services,
Vida Joven, Food Banks, etc.
The four hospitality teams (one for each week) are responsible for the coffee hour:
bringing food, setting up, and cleaning up.
A place for the women of Grace to gather and just be. Open to all women of Grace and their friends.
They plan monthly trips and events.
The Finance Committee assists the Vestry on all financial issues.
The healing ministry team is available after the 10 a.m. service to pray for you.
We are in the planning stages to have Lay Eucharistic visitors take the Eucharist to those that are unable to join us. This ministry will also include visiting Assisted Living Communities. We are looking for volunteers.
Meal trains take the burden off preparing meals while sick or incapacitated.
God wants us to pray for others because intercessory prayer reflects God’s own character of outgoing love and mercy. God wants us to think like He does and praying for others helps us to think beyond ourselves and to grow in compassion for others. We cannot pray honestly for someone else without, at the same time, growing in compassion toward that person, and indeed, toward all suffering people. Through honest prayer, we become more like the God to whom we address those prayers. We also focus outward, rather than always looking inward, asking for love and joy and peace and patience and healing and all the fruit of God’s Spirit for His followers. This is how the over 15 parishioners of the Ministry pray when someone is in need of prayer.
Funerals are taxing on the bereaved. The Funeral Guild strives to assist the family in any way and take away some of the burdens of planning a funeral.
The wedding Guild assists the wedding party with the planning of their special day.
Under the leadership of the Jr. Warden, the buildings & Ground committee is responsible
for the upkeep of the buildings and the non-landscaping parts of the grounds.
The archives committee is in charge of researching and preserving the rich history of the church.
The Landscape Committee oversees the grounds and landscaping at Grace, including maintenance of existing landscape, memorials, and plaques. The Committee reviews and approves donations and additions to the grounds to assure continuity of design, aesthetics, and suitability to soil, light, and water and consistency with land use plans.
Vestry members generally serve for three-year terms and must be members of good standing.
The choir, under the direction of Music Minister Martha Schattman, practices every Thursday at 7 p.m.
The serving teams include ushers, lectors, acolytes, chalice bearers, and coffee hour hospitality.
We are always looking for volunteers and training is provided.
This small, yet faithful, group prepares the church for worship and communion for both services every Sunday as well as Wednesday morning Healing Service. In addition to regular services, they also make the church ready for special services during the week, such as Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day as well as weddings and funerals.